"Powerful Texas Kid" campaign to empower families with trans, non-binary and LGBTQIA+ kids.
"No matter what comes our way we'll never give up" – Destiny – #ProtectTransKids #OverturnTheOrder
Standing Up for Trans kids in Texas
Cheryl asks #GovAbbott to #OverturnTheOrder since access to healthcare helped her trans grandson.
Families shouldn’t be persecuted for seeking recommended healthcare for their kids #OverturnTheOrder
Conservative Evangelical Christian eloquently urges #GovernorGregAbbott to #OverturnTheOrder
“There's no justifiable reason to threaten good and decent people in this way.” #OverturnTheOrder.
After witnessing families forced to leave Texas, this mother asks Gov. Abbott to #OverturnThe Order
Powerful and passionate message from Rev. Jim Rigby urging #GovernorAbbott to #OverturnTheOrder
Parent explains if her son was in pain, she too would seek the best medical care. #OverturnTheOrder
"Our hope would be that everyone would simply listen." – Rev. Dr. Mary Wilson #OverturnTheOrder
#GovAbbott – I would never want this to happen to my family or friends. Please #OverturnTheOrder
God loves all children no exceptions. #GovernorAbbott, I implore you to #OverturnTheOrder – Jelka
“Young people need love and acceptance – no matter what we are dealing with.” #OverturnTheOrder
"The actions based on this order are traumatizing children and their parents." #OverturnTheOrder
TX teacher wants compassion toward families dealing with such a complicated issue #OverturnTheOrder
"Parents who are trying to get help for their children are not abusing them." #OverturnTheOrder
Physician & her trans son want to stay close to family in TX but now feel unsafe #OverturnTheOrder
It's time that I get involved for friends and family who have transgender children #OverturnTheOrder
Speaking out for trans kids, their families, and those who love and care for them #OverturnTheOrder
Father explains DFPS Order threatens to remove loved trans kids from their parents #OverturnTheOrder
Being a young trans person in Texas is tough enough! Healthcare saves lives. #OverturnTheOrder.
Gypsy asks Gov. Abbott to show care for Texas’ trans children and their families. #OverturnTheOrder
Trans young man asks Gov. Abbott to #OverturnTheOrder so parents can take care of their trans kids.
Morgan explains real fears families face due to CPS investigations to Gov. Abbott. #OverturnTheOrder
Albert’s #OverturnTheOrder message, “Please be a governor that's going to show empathy, compassion.”
A healthcare provider urges Gov. Abbott to #OverturnTheOrder as it violates her professional ethics.
Rabbi Gideon Estes asks Governor Abbott to #OverturnTheOrder based on moral grounds
Anthony asks Gov. Abbott to see families with trans kids as loving and caring –#OverturnTheOrder !
Mensaje de René Guerrero al Gobernador Abbott #OverturnTheOrder
Your voice is critically important to this effort! Messages from those who believe that Governor Abbott should overturn this harmful order can lend their voice to this effort in a video message. Parents with trans kids under 18 are at risk of investigation, so it is more important than ever that people of conscience speak out.
If you are willing to send a video message to Gov. Abbott, that would be extremely helpful. All we ask is that messages:
- Messages be directed to Gov. Abbott and include a request that he Overturn The Order
- Videos are 2 minutes or less
- You please record your video in landscape (horizontal) format
- That your video is less than 40MB
Once you’ve recorded your message, please follow these instructions to submit your video message.
All videos submitted to Overturn The Order may be utilized on our website, social media platforms and potentially by other media outlets.